quality management
We have introduced a quality management according to the DIN EN ISO 9001: 2008 and the proof in a certification audit.
The constant improvement of our business processes has always been of great importance to us. However, we have to thank you, our customers, for the certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2008.
We have not re-invented our operational processes, but have significantly optimized them in some areas.
In addition, since 2005, we have been using the infra-struktur software solution. This supports us in the areas of CRM (Costumer-Relation-Management) and Unified Communications, as well as in the area of groupware.
In this way, we are able to access the entire communication with our customers irrespective of the location, regardless of the location and media, in order to avoid, for example, inconsistencies due to missing information.